Courage, Prayer and Action-An Elsie update

16 May

I have been pretty much MIA from my podcast. There has have been plenty of changes that have happened in my life. In this video I talk about what it really takes to step fully into your own life, mustering up all that you can to live a life of fullness. I share some pretty fantastic news about what’s up and coming. Thank you so very much for watching and I hope to hear from y’all!

15 Responses to “Courage, Prayer and Action-An Elsie update”

  1. Mike K. May 16, 2008 at 9:36 pm #

    I know it wasn’t an easy journey for you, Elsie, but I am so happy for you that things have worked out as they have. Prayers always.

  2. Betherann May 16, 2008 at 10:26 pm #

    You rock, Elsie! Thank you for being so open with us. I appreciate it, and value you and all that you do.

  3. Mary s May 16, 2008 at 10:37 pm #


    I know that you must be going through a lot. I am praying for you. somthing that you might think about is more meditations like the last few on your podcast.

    Mary S

  4. Todd May 17, 2008 at 12:42 am #


    Todd here from RawVoice and the Blubrry Podcast Community. I watched your video today, first congrats and best wishes.


  5. idyllopus May 17, 2008 at 7:27 am #

    Congratulations! A time of wonderful, remarkable changes. Wish you all the best.

    Would have taken your survey but I’m unable to locate it. Perhaps you could give a direct link?

  6. Ayesha97 May 17, 2008 at 1:50 pm #

    Congratulations Elsie!!! Can’t wait for continued updates on your journey!

  7. idyllopus May 17, 2008 at 11:44 pm #

    Oops, never mind. There’s the survey. Right under the nose.

  8. JessieJane May 18, 2008 at 11:04 am #

    Elsie!!!!!!! Oh my gosh. Congratulations!!!!
    In my heart, I had a feeling you were pregnant….I am so, so happy for you.
    Maybe over the next few months you can record a pre-natal class for the podcast?????
    I wish you all the happiness in the world.
    Thank you for all the wonderful classes.

  9. Elsie May 19, 2008 at 3:04 pm #

    @Mike thank you much! @Betheran thank you for taking the time to drop by and sprinkle some love 🙂 @Mary thank you sweetie for your prayers and I will possibly be posting some more meditation type deals, they are very fun and relaxing. @Todd, thanks so much for reaching out to me! @idyllopus you were not wrong. I had not posted the link, my bad, totally spaced it 😉 Now it’s up! Thank you so much for reaching out @Ayesha97 crazy how things change huh? @JessieJane you had a feeling??? that’s soooooo cool 🙂 makes me happy! thanks for the happiness and I’m working on some prenatal stuff, we’ll see how all of that goes along….

  10. mariana m June 30, 2008 at 2:21 am #

    Elsie, i just saw your video and i want to tell you that the few classes i took with u really inspired me to become a better person and to have courage, i know is not an easy journey sometimes but this are the times when we are tested to be truthful and shine! thank u so much for opening up and sharing your heart with us your students. have a wonderful pregnancy, a wonderful baby, a wonderful marriage, and a wonderful life because all of this is Yoga!

  11. michael d. July 25, 2008 at 3:44 am #

    Hola chica, someday you’ll know that even the obscured, partial, imperfect parts of yourself you offered so freely were wonderfull, playfull, magicfull, and immeasurable. Now its time for your super blast off!

  12. Angela August 23, 2008 at 4:18 pm #

    Elsie, tears of joy ran down my face. I’m a podcast listener and haven’t been tuned in for a while. Perfect & divine timing lead me back to your webpage. Thank you from my heart for your message. You are such a beautiful spirit and example of truth. God has blessed you. Stay near to Him and allow His will to flourish in your life. With Love, Light & Peace. Namaste, Angela Dina

  13. Elsie August 23, 2008 at 7:25 pm #

    Oh Angela, thank you much for the blessing of your tears. What a gift. I so appreciate your support and I’m grateful you took the time to watch my share 🙂

    I do feel God with me always guiding me to my most optimal self (mind you I so refused it for a long time as it can be very very scary! ) But now with loving support all around I can trudge on forward 😀

  14. Angela Dina Conrad May 9, 2009 at 4:11 pm #

    A brief life follow-up. After I posted in Aug of ’08… those tears lead to a surrender and an out pour of prayer… asking that God, our universe, all things positive and living to help guide my purpose. After, more than 2 years of struggle… I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant in Late October. Which, made me realize it was after that out-pour in late August that a major shift occurred. As a “stranger-friend-podcast listener & fellow yoga instructor” I wanted to connect and share I have practiced yoga throughout my pregnancy and I am expecting my first baby & son sometime in the next 3-4 weeks. I am a Gemini June 7, he may be my 32nd birthday gift! Deep thanks for all you do Elsie & Blessings of life to all. Namaste, Angela Dina

    • Elsie May 9, 2009 at 9:01 pm #

      CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA DINA!!!!! oh how blessed! I am so so so so very happy for you!!! Thank you so much for coming back here to share with me again (and the kula!) You know you are going to have to send me some pics of your little piece of heaven! Sweet! The day is almost here 🙂 Yipee! congratulations again!

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