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Ep 81: Immerse Your Value into The Heart and HOLD! 85 min Level 2 Yoga Class

20 Jun

Elsie Escobar and Hunter Rose Miyan

The them for this class was inspired by this episode of Merlin Mann’s talk at Rutger’s University. Check out the talk. Not about yoga, but very yogic. I think he’s awesome.

Let it Go From Your Head and Drop In Your Heart

I know that if I asked you who or what you hold valuable and dear you could tell me without much thought. I’m sure that you’ve thought about how much your family, your homes, your friends, your culture, etc. means to you. I’m sure that now that I’ve brought your attention to this, you have a clear idea in your head and feel pretty strong about where you place your value.

The thing is, that we think about this too much. I mean that we keep that which we value in our thinking mind. We intellectualize much more than we internalize it, within our hearts. There is a level of detachment that comes with it. Yes, we love our family. Yes, we love our friends. Yes, we value our home. Here’s the question: Do your actions, from day to day, from moment to moment honor and abide by that higher intention? If we could graph our daily activity, and our daily thoughts, what truly takes up the majority of our days? What would it show?

I know that for me, my graph would show huge interaction with my cellphone and my ipod. It would also show me constantly checking my email, FB, Twitter, and stats. (Note the word checking, there is no actual engagement involved.) And these are my physical behaviours behaviors I am also guilty of being with my daughter and having my mind full of everything BUT my daughter. I think more about podcasts, blog posts and creating content on a daily basis than I think about my breath, my body and growing my relationship with those that I have said I hold valuable. There are countless opportunities to deepen relationships. There is enough time. I know that I tend to leak my energy in places, thoughts and actions that in no way deserve it. Unconsciously, through my thoughts and actions I am serving and cultivating less than optimal relationships.

The level of commitment and discipline required to sustain an optimal level of engagement and relationship in our lives is great. It requires that we choose, and choose again, always refining and clarifying moment to moment. We must sustain the focus throughout our days, slowly building a strong internal practice, that lets us be at once soft and steady.

As I became aware of this for myself, I had to share this. I know that I am not alone. My desire is to place what I value in my heart, not in my head. My desire is to engage and hold the sacred where it’s meant to be.

How about you? Do you observe your behaviors and thoughts serving and cultivating less than optimal relationships? In what ways to do abide by the Highest?

Start By Breathing

FYI! There’s a video towards the end of the post to supplement this episode 🙂

And speaking of the video…Thank you my dear and lovely sponsors Prancing Leopard Organics! The clothes that I’m wearing in the video are from them and I ADORE them 😀 Listen to the intro to this episode to get your coupon code for 15% off your purchase!

This episode’s online yoga class podcast is a Level 2 class.

This class was recorded at BYS Yoga Studio in Pittsburgh on April 29, 2010


The Sequence of Yoga Poses for this online yoga class:

Downward Facing Dog Hold

Uttanasana Hold

Downward Facing Dog/Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana/Straight Legged Lunge

downward facing dogone legged downward facing dog with hips squaredstraight legged lunge


Hands on Hips Shoulders up and Stand up


Warrior II

warrior II

Prasarita Padottanasana

prasarita padotanasana



Prasarita Padottanasana with arms interlaced behind the back

prasarita padotanasana

Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana

trikonasana ardha chandrasanatrikonasana

Prasarita Padottanasana with option to hold the big toes

prasarita padotanasana

Tree Pose



Chattarunga Hold

chattarunga dandasana

Upward Facing Dog


Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Pigeon Prep

Downward Facing Dog

Heel Sit

Supported Back Bend With 2 Blocks

restorative backbend with blocks

VARIATION Supported Supta Virasana With Blocks

Child’s Pose

Supported Supta Baddha Konasana

Supported Baddha Konasana


78: The Embodied Elements, A practice in Studentship (Adhikara) A Level 1.5 75 min Yoga Class

2 Apr

Earth Wind Water by Artist Christopher Beikmann

I felt this beautiful piece of art depicted perfectly the theme for this episode’s class. The piece is by Artist Christopher Beikmann. The art is available as a giclee on hand stretched canvas 48″w x 24″H a limited edition of 5 . You find out more about Chris and his artwork (and SHOP!) at

Yoga Lesson: How do we tune into nature and allow it to deepen our life?

Every day I am brought to back to the application of yoga lessons in my life. Yoga or life as I choose to see it now, becomes a pulsating beneficent opportunity, a gift really, for me to become a better human being. This past week I was given the task of preparing one of my current students to step into an Anusara Immersion with my beloved teachers that has already started. She missed the first weekend, or half of Part 1. My job is to catch her up *gulp*.

Out have come all of my notes and of course the Immersion Lesson plans and the like.

Succinctly explaining the Anusara Philosophy, the 3 As and the UPAs (Universal Principles of Alignment ™) is not the easiest thing when you have crazy time constraints. Arghhh!!!…goodness gracious!

So given that, studentship has been on my mind. I am stepping into the seat of the student as I pour over how to convey all this knowledge in a way that will be optimally soaked in by her. I adore the way that I heard John explain studentship using the Elements. I remember how he shared that using the elements as teaching tools is wonderful because they are understood and experienced by all, so we have a common ground from which to step into the teachings and also deepen the understanding of the UPAs within the yoga postures. Since I’d been meditating on this theme, lo and behold, I taught all about it!

This episode’s online yoga class is a Level 1.5 class (in other words strong).

It’s slow, meditative and we take time to get into things. I hope you enjoy stepping into it!

By the way, let me know which elements you resonate with the most 😀

In my intro I told you that I recorded 2 other classes that I was unable to use for the podcast, but I’m making them available to you, if you would like to download them. Both of them are level 2 yoga classes. One of them is a full 80 minute class with less than optimal audio, and the other one was a TOTALLY awesome class, but I ran out of batteries half way through the class! Ugh!

EXTRA Level 2 80 min Class with the theme of Dreaming and Community

EXTRA Level 2 Unfinished Class with the them of “Let Your Smallness Dissolve” and the Pareto Principle

I want yoga gear reviews from you!

If you have any yoga gear, or yoga clothing, or any yoga related accesory that you would like to review either because you LOVE it, or HATE it, or perhaps are simply indifferent. Let me know! Fill out this online yoga product submission form 🙂 I would love to have you be part of the online yoga community 😀


The series of Yoga Poses for this online yoga class:

Adho Mukha Svanasana

High Lunge/Straightening front leg/lunge twist

straight legged lungeparsvottanasana variationlunge twist backbend 2lunge twist backbend


Uttanasana/Ardha uttanasana x 3

uttanasanaardha uttanasana

hands on hips, shoulders up rise up

Parsvatasana arms

Tadasana With Arms Interlaced Above the Head

Half sun salute




Down Dog

Surya Namaskar with salabasana arms interlaced behind the back, instead of Cobra

chattarunga dandasana

Downward Facing Dog


Parvakonasana with forearm on thighparsvakonasana prepParsvakonasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Plank Chattarunga x 2

Vira II

warrior II


plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing dog

Uttanasana wide legs arms interlaced behind the back



Uttanasana/Artha Uttanasana

uttanasanaardha uttanasana

Utkatasana with a twist

Pigeon with a twist

Parsva Bakasana

Parsva Bakasana

Twitsting Pigeon with thigh stretch


setubandha stage 1setubandha robot armssetubandha

Eka Pada Setubandha

Eka Pada Setu Bandha

Supta Padangustasana

Supine Twist


Episode 76: Vasudeva as December Lights, 75 Min Level 2 Yoga Class

30 Dec

A sweetly vibrant house down the street from my home

Casting Light From the Inside Out

I have to be very honest, winter is very challenging for me. I do my best to see all the goodness, I really do, but when winter begins, man does it kick my spiritual booty!

I don’t often have time to sit and meditate on my themes for my classes. I’m working on being more efficient in my themeing and conveying more of the Anusara Principles of Alignment ™ and Philosophy more clearly, but as I’m sure some of you teachers know this requires work, time and study. The clearer and simpler a teacher’s theme is the more skilled and experienced they are (at least that’s my observation). It’s kinda like watching a great dancer, you only see the beauty of the art, you get pulled into the dance itself, not the specifics of the dance, the steps, how many hours the artist had to rehearse in order to make it seamless…

I’m getting more and more adept at allowing nature to guide me into what I teach. This generally happens during my walk to teach my yoga class. I’ve learned to let go of ‘what I have to do’ and simply allow myself to listen and to drink inspiration freely.

Thank God for Christmas lights!

They were so beautiful! They showed me things I hadn’t seen in a while, streets that I walk often shifted and shone in a different way. I was more intrigued by what was going inside the homes that the outside. I saw beautifully decorated houses whose windows shone so bright. I saw shapes and figures all inviting me to step deeper into the homes, into the warmth of the inner dwelling. I realized that the holiday lights where put there in a very strategic way, they weren’t just randomly placed, they weren’t merely thrown out, but carefully thought out and generally speaking, placed in ways that would enhance each individual dwelling. The specificity of the way the light was cast out was a clear reflection of the owners time, thought and commitment. I saw that in order to place these lights optimally the dweller must first be willing to search the closets, the basements, the attics, to get the boxes out and choose what to cast out. What makes this so glorious is that all this beauty wouldn’t be seen if it wasn’t for the shorter and darker days of winter.

The winter serves to take us deeper into the closet of the self so that we may bring out the decorations of light and enhance the world around us by the way in which we choose to cast our own individual light out into the world.


vasu = dwelling place deva = the light

The nature of the universe is how you choose to pour the light of consciousness into the dwelling place of the self. As you do this oh how it shines brightly all around, showing off those mighty beautiful lights. How do you choose to create a dwelling place of light?

Yes, peeps, this are the thoughts that jump in my head as I walk 🙂

Hope you guys enjoy!

If you would like to support this podcast, how about buying the iPhone App? $3.99, not bad 😀
Also, like I mention in the show, Click here to find out a few other options to support the podcast

Love the Feedback!

  • email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com
  • leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I’d love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!)
  • or comment on this blog!

Other ways to connect with me:

Elsie Escobar's Facebook profile

View Elsie Escobar's profile on LinkedIn

This week’s class is a reflection of the theme that I touched on above. It’s a Level 2 Yoga Class and it was recorded on November 30th 2009 at Yoga Matrika 🙂

The Yoga Asana Sequence

Downward Facing Dog/Open Hip/Square Hip

One legged Downward Facing Dog opening the hipone legged downward facing dog with hips squared

Lunge/Modified Parsvotanasana

straight legged lungeparsvottanasana variation


Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3

uttanasanaardha uttanasana


plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing dog

Surya Namaskar x 2

tadasanaurdhva hastasanauttanasana ardha uttanasana plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing doguttanasana ardha uttanasanaurdhva hastasanatadasana


Parvakonasana with forearm on thighparsvakonasana prepParsvakonasana

Vira II

warrior II

Shins in Thighs Out

Widening Parsvotanasana


Salabhasana with arms interlaced behind the back



Vashistasana variation with knee on the floor

Ardha Chandrasana

ardha chandrasana


Pigeon Prep

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

setubandha stage 1setubandha robot armssetubandha

Urdhva Dhanurasana

urdhva dhanurasana

Easy Supine Twist

Knees to Chest


Episode 73: Skillfully Attune to Know Deeper, A 75 Min Level 2 Yoga Class

8 Aug

How Do We Truly Know Anything?

Man am I always a mess! Believe me, I do try to be neat…and tidy…and organized…but somehow I always end up with fantastic chaos all around me 😉 The worst part about this is that I was like this BEFORE I welcomed my beloved baby, so now with her in the picture my chaos(mess) has escalated to new heights. The good thing is that as the mess escalates my need to find clarity also grows and thus came the theme for this week’s yoga class 🙂

My teacher John guided me to recognize how one truly begins to know something. How do we acquire knowledge? Deep knowledge? How do we align with anything? You soften, feel and attune. We attune to the Highest. We attune by getting close to that which we wish to know. This learning is not a head thing, but a heart thing as we truly begin to ‘vibe’ with and resonate with each other at a much deeper level 😀 Listen and practice to the class and see if you can begin to attune to something bigger!

Finally something other than a Level 1 basic yoga class! This week’s class is a Level 2 Yoga Class, not quite an ‘advanced’ yoga class, but a bit faster in pace and a warmer practice. You will find within this class preparations for more advanced postures such as Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana into Handstand (Standing Splits into Handstand) and Archback (maybe even a drop back *yikes*). If you are a seasoned asana practitioner and are acquainted with these poses, please feel free to rock it in the comfort of your own sacred practice space 😉

Love the Feedback!

  • email me- eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot) com
  • leave me a message- 310 651 6238 (I’d love to play you guys on the episodes! Plus you can promote your stuff that way!)
  • or comment on this blog!

Other ways to connect with me:

Elsie Escobar's Facebook profile

View Elsie Escobar's profile on LinkedIn

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This week’s Yoga Class Online is a Level 2 Yoga Class

This class was recorded at Yoga Matrika on June 15, 2009

The Sequence of Yoga Poses in this week’s Yoga Podcast Episode is:

Downward Facing Dog

Straight Legged Lunge/Straightening Front Leg (hamstring stretch)

straight legged lungeparsvottanasana variation


plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing dog


Urdhva Hastasana (Moving into standing arch back)


plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing dog

Crescent Pose


plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing dog


Urdhva Hastasana (Moving into standing arch back)


plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobradownward facing dog

Parsvakonasana Prep

Parvakonasana with forearm on thighparsvakonasana prep

Parsvakonasana Full



Handstand Prep through Standing Splits

standing splits



runner’s stretch or hanumanasana prep

Deep Lunge on Forearms

Deep Lunge with back knee on the floor deep lunge with forearms on the floor

Twisting Parsvakonasana

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Prep

Pigeon Prep

Pigeon with Twist

Pigeon with a twist

Modified Child’s Pose on Forearms

Lunge with Thigh Stretch

Lunge with thigh stretch

Plank on tops of the feet

chattarunga dandasana on tops of the feet



Urdhva Dhanurasana x 3

urdhva dhanurasana

Supine Twist

Knees to Chest

